
The One Best Friend

Thanks for being there for me,
through good times and bad times.
I will be on your side even if the the world ends.
When the world is going,
I will be here,
now and until the end.
Your my very best friend.
The one that I look up to.
The one that I run to,
when I have a problem.
The one that I talk to.
Your the one best friend that was always there for me.
I wanna thank you for all the things you gave and showed me.


Discover The True Meaning of Friendship

By Wilma Watson
If you want to be or have a really good friend, you must be willing to assist each other in whatever way is needed, be loyal and defend the other no matter what, give each other freedom to be oneself and be a constant source of encouragement to each other.

There is a price to pay in having or being a really good friend or best friend. It will cost time, energy and money!

My husband and I met Craig (not his real name) shortly after his mother told him he was adopted. He was 26 years of age! We were able to give Craig constant support through this difficult time. It was the beginning of a deep and meaningful friendship.

Craig often dreamt of finding his real mum. Since work consumed most of his time we offered to help him look for her. After several weeks of numerous phone calls, looking through genealogical files and the internet, we rang with the sad news. His mum had died in a car accident in Northern Australia when he was very young. We were there for him as he went through the grieving process. But hey, that’s what good friends are for!

Another good friend that we would assist whenever and in whatever way was needed is John (not his real name). He is involved in international business and nearly every week for the past 23 years we phone each other irrespective of where we were in the world.

John has lived a colorful life and many times needed encouragement. He often says that he would have committed suicide with the pressure of life if it wasn’t for our acceptance and constant encouragement. We have given emotional and financial assistance to John as we believe in him. But hey, that’s what good friends are for!

Then there is our greatest friend of all. We talk to him every day. Sometimes several times a day! He has sacrificed his life for us, accepts us as we are and constantly encourages us. His name is Jesus! He wants to be your good friend too. Click here for a cartoon presentation to see how you can become Jesus’ friend.

Friends Forever

Friends are friends forever together 'till the end.
You promised me that you would always be my friend.
One day something changed I'm not sure what it was.
I lost you on that day and the reason was because
it was a late dark night and we had a stupid fight.
And for some reason, I don't know why, we couldn't make it right.

We went our separate ways.
This went on for days and days.
I made new friends and you made yours,
but that hole in my heart could not be filled for that hole was only yours.
Times got really tough,
my road of life was, oh, so rough.
I needed friends, not the kind you see from day to day,
but the kind that will always and forever stay.


Memories were all I had
and just the thought of them made me sad.
I cried every night wondering how to make it right.
I wish you could erase that day and that fight.
Would you please forgive me? I don't know where to start.
It hurts me so bad to have this hole in my heart!


I don't want our friendship to totally end.
I need you! You are my best friend!
So can we make a promise to stay together 'till the end?
A vow to each other to ALWAYS be BEST FRIENDS


Jokes--true relationship..

One day a girl brings home her boyfriend and tells her father she wants to marry him. After talking to him for while, he tells his daughter she can't do it because he's her half brother. The same problem happens again four more times! The girl starts to get pissed off. She goes to her mom and says, "Mom... What have you been doing all your life? Dad's been going around laying every maiden in the town and now I can't marry any of the five guys I like because they have turned out to be my half brothers!!!"
Her mom replies, "Don't worry darling, you can marry any one of them you want, he isn't really your dad."


Live Life Fully

While the day sits twinkling in the unfolded
light of dawn and you prepare to emerge from
your cocoon of cozy slumber,
baptize the hours ahead with
fresh confidence.
Trust that you will be taken care of
and proceed positively.
Step forward with purpose and
let each footfall be an expression of
your unique and wondrous self.
Leave your mark of quality on
the requisite demands of the day, and
tarry at the tasks that bring you joy.
Yield to the unexpected, and
handle the unforeseen
with clarity of heart and mind.
Free yourself from the weight of
pettiness and refuse to undermine
another's worth.
Weave the silken threads of your kindness
through every encounter with friends
and strangers.
Seek beauty in attitude and outlook.
Create beauty in your own.
Love without condition, no strings
attached. Set your spirit free to soar.

True Friends

Look upon the dark of night,
do you see a reflection of light?
Could it be the star that's so bright,
reminds you of a friend that
was there on those dark nights,
who gently dried your tears from sight?

Or the friend, that was there to share a smile
or hug? Never asking, only giving that
special kind of love. A love only a true friend
knows, a love that sets your heart aglow.

I ask you now is this your friend you
hold so dear? A friend that has the
twinkle of a star? Yet is never one to
stray to far. A friend that's in
your heart, always near?
If this is so, when you look upon
the dark of night and see a
twinkle of light, remember that true
friend, the star that shines so bright!


The Friends and Friendships Web.

The friendship web explains the basics of friendship, making friends, and maintaining true friendships.
There is no substitute for a friend!

What is friendship? Friendship is an in-depth relationship. Friendship is comfortable and relaxed. Friendship requires meeting the needs of both friends.

Building a friendship from casual friends. Building friendships takes time. Friendships require self-disclosure so any friendship has risks, Talking and listening builds friendships. Friendships require equality and loyalty from friends.

Maintenance of friendships is crucial. Friendships can not be neglected. One-on-one contact is a prerequisite of friendships. Friends must be flexible. Conflict must be resolved for friendships to continue.

Friendships do end. Friendships may not last. Friendships can lose importance and die gradually. Some friendships end abruptly with unresolved conflict. The worst enemy of friendships is change by one or both friends. There is usually pain with the loss of friendship.

Setting Limits in Friendships Friendships as well as all other relationships must have limits. You set limits with your friends because you care for them and your relationship with them, not because you don't.

Manipulation: If you think you are being manipulated, either by a friend, mate/lover, or relative, take this short test to check it out.

Conversation: Being able to carry on a comfortable conversation with a social acquaintance is a matter of practice and following certain procedures in communicating. It also works for best friends, too.

Toxic Friends and Toxic Friendships Not all friendships are good for you. How to recognize toxic friends.

Recommended Reading
Review bookBuy this book

Review book Buy this book

Review BookBuy this book

Best Friends: How to Grow a Friend A "twelve-step" program How to grow a friend in 12 steps. The best time to grow a friend is before you need one!


How to make new friends

Friendships are an important part of life, but many of us find it difficult to find, make or keep friends. Life events, such as moving to another neighbourhood, starting a job or having a baby, can isolate us from our former support group and make forging new friendships more important than ever. In other cases, shyness or poor social skills can prevent us from taking the first step in forming a friendship. This article offers practical suggestions that may help you to expand your social circle or reinforce the relationships you already have.
Priming yourself for friendship
You may want friendship, but what kind of friend would you make? Factors to consider include:
  • Attitudes to others - we can drive potential friends away by demanding they share our attitudes, beliefs or behaviours. If you accept that other people have a right to be different from you, then you open yourself up to the possibility of experiencing relationships that bring a fresh perspective to your life.
  • Treatment of other people - think about how you like to be treated, then offer the same to the people in your life.
  • Don't expect instant results - good friends aren't made overnight. Sharing your deepest secrets in one night won't necessarily create a close friendship. It may even drive the other person away. Take it slowly. Divulge 'safe' secrets first, and allow the relationship to hold some weight before you share the meatier issues in your life.
  • Curb the urge to criticise - constantly griping about the failures and weaknesses of other people can make your listener feel wary of you. How do they know you aren't complaining about their flaws to other friends?
  • Don't gossip - potential friends aren't going to trust you if you constantly gossip to them about the trials and tribulations of other people in your life.
  • Don't compromise yourself - each one of us has standards of morality and behaviour. Don't allow yourself to compromise yourself for the sake of 'fitting in' with a group.

Places to meet friends

Suggestions include:

  • Many people make friends at work. Open yourself up to the possibilities by participating in social occasions, such as Friday night drinks or lunches to celebrate employee birthdays.
  • Follow your interests. For example, if you like walking, join a neighbourhood walking group.
  • If you don't work and have no particular hobbies, consider joining a volunteer group with a charity that interests you.
  • Use your existing network of family and friends to meet new people.
  • Don't turn down party invitations.

When making friends is difficult

Some people find it difficult to make friends. Perhaps they are shy, or feel they lack the social skills to start a conversation. Suggestions include:

  • Join groups that share your common interests. Talking about one of your passions, such as gardening or writing short stories, for example, can help give you confidence to talk about other things with potential new friends.
  • Watch and learn from gregarious people who make friends easily.
  • Practise looking people in the eye when you talk to them.
  • Listen to what others are saying, rather than focusing on your own self-consciousness.
  • Look for anyone else in the room who seems socially awkward, and approach them for conversation.
  • When you talk to someone new, ask them questions about themselves or what they like to do; it's a good way to get started.
  • Social skills can be learned, so seek professional help if you feel you need it.Keeping


Suggestions include:

  • Appreciate your friends - don't take your friends for granted. Take the time to thank your friends for enhancing your life, in whichever way suits best - for example, inviting them over for dinner for no other reason than to have fun together.
  • Offer time and attention - friendships need to be nurtured. If you are consistently too busy to give time to your friends, they will one day move on without you. Ensure you make friendship an important priority. Actively listen to your friends, and show your interest and enthusiasm in their lives.
  • Be compassionate - people make mistakes. Sometimes, a friend may do something of which you don't approve. Put yourself in their shoes - would you want condemnation or forgiveness from those who are supposed to love and care for you?
  • Don't abuse trust - for example, if a friend tells you a secret, keep it to yourself. You might think you're building relationships with others by sharing gossip, but you're actually ensuring that others won't trust you enough to tell you anything. And if your friend finds out you abused their trust, your relationship with them is as good as over.
  • Control jealousy - you may want your best friend to be 'faithful' to you, which means you experience jealousy if they have other close relationships. Learn to appreciate that love for friends - like love for one's children - can be limitless.

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